Kürzlich zertifiziert Hersteller Zertifizierungs­kriterien

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Energy Cube Passive

Zertifiziert seit 14. Juli 2022
Klimazone Warm-gemäßigt
Typ Fensteranschluss
Unter-Typ Roll­laden
Effizienz­klasse phC
Material Holz / PVC
UW 1,00 W/(m2K)
Öffnungs-Typ Nach innen öffnend


Vinyl shutter casing with EPS (0.032 W/(mK)) inlay. The casement box is mounted directly on the frame. Available in two sizes, 185 mm for balcony door height and 200 mm for window and balcony door height. In its 200 mm size, it incorporates an acoustic sheet on the front. The casement in size 200 mm can be used for a maximum height of 2500 mm. The casement in size 185 mm can be used for a maximum height of 2615 mm." PHI standard frame representing a wooden or vinyl frame. Conductivity: 0.113 W/(mK), depth: 100 mm Pane thickness: 44 mm (4/16/4/16/4), rebate depth: 23mm Spacer: PHI class phB with polysulfide as secondary seal.

Name Rahmenbreite U-Wert Ψ-Wert fRsi-Wert
Unten 125 mm 0,92 W/(m²K) 0,038 W/(mK) 0,670
Oben 125 mm 0,92 W/(m²K) 0,038 W/(mK) 0,670
Seitlich 125 mm 0,92 W/(m²K) 0,038 W/(mK) 0,670
Persianas Persax, S.A.
Autovia de Levante km 48.2 PG Santa Eulalia, 03400, Villena-Alicante, Spanien
Leaflet © OpenStreetMap contributors

Persianas Persax, S.A.

Autovia de Levante km 48.2 PG Santa Eulalia
03400 Villena-Alicante


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