Opaque Assembly Tool

The tool for opaque assemblies enables the calculation of the heat transfer coefficient (U-value) of an opaque building assembly in accordance with ISO 6946, even for constructions with complex, inhomogeneous layer structures, such as I-joints.

You can simply fill in the required fields with the assembly information and also create your own materials to quickly obtain results, including a graphical representation of the component structure. This tool uses the same calculation method as the Passive House Planning Package (PHPP), which means that the results can be directly integrated into energy balance calculations for passive houses.

The following helpful actions can be carried out with this tool:

Creation and graphical representation of building assemblies and determination of their heat transfer coefficients.
Download all components of a project as a *.ppp file to integrate them into your PHPP project.
Comparison of the manufacturing and operating energy of assemblies. To do this, please click on the scale symbol of the assembly you wish to view. Please note that this function is only available if a manufacturing process has been assigned to all component materials. Further information can be found under assembly comparison.

If you have any further questions, please contact ph-portal.support@passiv.de.

Please log in to use the tool.