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WG75 entrance door outward operable

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WG75 entrance door outward operable

Certified since 18 Agosto 2021
Climate zone Freddo, temperato
Surface material Aluminium
Door type Door
How to open Outside
UW 0,78 W/(m2K)


Aluminum-frame with structural reinforced PA-facing shell. Inner insulation core of high density PU-foam (0.055 W/mK). Pane thickness: 54 mm (6/18/6/18/6), rebate depth: 13 mm. Door opens towards the outside.

THE CERTIFICATE IS UNDER REVISION: THE INNER SHELLS ARE MADE OF ALUMINIUM: A surcharge on the Uf-values of 10 % needs to be applied

Nome Frame width U-value Ψ-value Frsi-value
Door hinge side 144 mm 0,80 W/(m²K) 0,031 W/(mK) 0,710
Door lock side 144 mm 0,80 W/(m²K) 0,031 W/(mK) 0,710
Top 144 mm 0,77 W/(m²K) 0,031 W/(mK) 0,710
Threshold 111 mm 1,11 W/(m²K) 0,031 W/(mK) 0,680
No. 31, Hongqi Road, Huashi Town
214420 Jiangyin, Jiangsu