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Passive Armor's Door

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Passive Armor's Door

Certified since 19 de julio de 2023
Climate zone Frío, templado
Surface material Madera
Tipo de puertas Puerta
How to open Inside
UW 0,75 W/(m2K)


Aluminium door frame, thermally separated with polyamide profiles (25% glass fibre, 0,45 W/(mK)) and insulated with EPS (0,035 W/(mK)). Opaque door panel from fireproof insulation material (0,043 W/(mK)) and faced with fireproof multilayer wood board (0,125 W/(mK)).

Nombre Frame width U-value Ψ-value Frsi-value
Door hinge side 128 mm 1,25 W/(m²K) 0,003 W/(mK) 0,754
Door lock side 128 mm 1,47 W/(m²K) 0,004 W/(mK) 0,715
Top 128 mm 1,26 W/(m²K) 0,002 W/(mK) 0,753
Threshold 94 mm 2,10 W/(m²K) 0,009 W/(mK) 0,559
Building 3, 1099 Wuxing Zhongxin Road
Nanqiao Town, Fengxian District
201400 Shanghai City