Newly certified Fabricantes Certification criteria

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S91 Hi (Pilot Certification for the Very Hot Climate)

S91 Hi (Pilot Certification for the Very Hot Climate)

Certified since 4 de enero de 2021
Climate zone Muy caliente
Tipo Operable
Sub type
Efficiency class phB
Material Aluminio
UW 0,82 W/(m2K)
Open type


Thermally separated aluminium frame with polyamide separators (Technoform Low Lambda PA 66 GF 25) and aerogel (Spaceloft, 0,016 W/(mK)). Pane thickness: 54 mm (6/18/6/18/6), rebate depth: 15 mm, spacer: SWISSPACER Ultimate with polysulfide secondary seal. Pilot certification for the very hot climate zone; due to the very recent introduction of the Passive House standard to this region the service life of such components is still to be fully demonstrated.

Nombre Frame width Valor-U Valor-Ψ Frsi-value
Flying Mullion 268 mm 0,60 W/(m²K) 0,030 W/(mK) 0,747
Bottom 178 mm 0,57 W/(m²K) 0,032 W/(mK) 0,759
Top 178 mm 0,57 W/(m²K) 0,032 W/(mK) 0,759
Lateral 178 mm 0,57 W/(m²K) 0,032 W/(mK) 0,759
Alumil Middle East DMCC
Mazaya Business Avenue, 336654, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Fabricante de componentes
Leaflet © OpenStreetMap contributors

Alumil Middle East DMCC

Mazaya Business Avenue
BB1, 2907
336654 Dubai
United Arab Emirates

U-value calculation

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