Newly certified Fabricantes Certification criteria

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GENEO Passive House

GENEO Passive House

Certified since 10 de octubre de 2016
Climate zone Frío, templado
Tipo Operable
Sub type
Efficiency class phB
Material PVC
UW 0,78 W/(m2K)
Open type


PVC frame with insulation fillings of expanded polystyrene (0.031 W/(mK)) Pane thickness: 44 mm (4/16/4/16/4), spacer: SWISSPACER Ultimate

Nombre Frame width Valor-U Valor-Ψ Frsi-value
Montante 141 mm 0,77 W/(m²K) 0,025 W/(mK) 0,730
Bottom 115 mm 0,77 W/(m²K) 0,025 W/(mK) 0,750
Top 115 mm 0,77 W/(m²K) 0,025 W/(mK) 0,750
Lateral 115 mm 0,77 W/(m²K) 0,025 W/(mK) 0,750
REHAU Construction LLC
1501 Edwards Ferry Road, N.E., VA, Leesburg, Virginia 20176, United States of America
Fabricante de componentes
Vendor known for reselling this component
Leaflet © OpenStreetMap contributors

REHAU Construction LLC

1501 Edwards Ferry Road, N.E.
VA Leesburg, Virginia 20176
United States of America

U-value calculation

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