Newly certified Fabricantes Certification criteria

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decentralised ventilation systems (single room only / with second room connection)


air flow range from…


air flow range to…


Specific electric power


Heat recovery rate


Humidity recovery (winter)


Efficiency ratio

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Air flow range from… Air flow range to… Specific electric powerHeat recovery rateHeat recovery rate on coolingHumidity recovery (winter)Humidity recovery (summer)Efficiency ratioClimate zonesCompany headquarters



20 m3/h 40 m3/h 0,24 Wh/m3 85% - 64% 0% 0,74 Frío, templado Germany (DE)
15 m3/h 45 m3/h 0,31 Wh/m3 83% - 0% 0% 0,63 Frío, templado Germany (DE)
20 m3/h 50 m3/h 0,26 Wh/m3 87% - 0% 0% 0,69 Frío, templado Germany (DE)
20 m3/h 65 m3/h 0,28 Wh/m3 78% - 0% 0% 0,66 Frío, templado Netherlands (NL)
15 m3/h 25 m3/h 0,30 Wh/m3 80% - 54% 0% 0,66 Frío, templado Germany (DE)
20 m3/h 85 m3/h 0,36 Wh/m3 86% - 0% 0% 0,61 Frío, templado Germany (DE)
10 m3/h 77 m3/h 0,35 Wh/m3 82% - 0% 0% 0,6 Frío, templado Germany (DE)
10 m3/h 70 m3/h 0,38 Wh/m3 78% - 55% 0% 0,57 Frío, templado Germany (DE)