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Passivhaus-Bodentreppe mit PH-Anschluss-System

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Passivhaus-Bodentreppe mit PH-Anschluss-System

Certified since 5 marca 2015
Strefa klimatyczna Cold
Typ Schody strychowe
Klasa efektywności phA+
Materiał Drewno
UW 0,48 W/(m2K)
Typ otwarty


Coated chipboard (λ = 0.136 W/(mK)) with insulation panel (λ = 0.039 W/(mK)) with two EPDM sealings between frame and insulation panel. In order to reduce the thermal bridge of the installation, the supplied PH-connection-system comprising sealing, jointplait and insulation filling (λ = 0.033 W/(mK)) is installed at the structural connection.

Nazwa Szerokość ramy Wartość U Ψ-Value Frsi-Value
Dół 62 mm 0,47 W/(m²K) 0,000 W/(mK)
Góra 62 mm 0,47 W/(m²K) 0,000 W/(mK)
BOCZNY 62 mm 0,47 W/(m²K) 0,000 W/(mK)
Max-Mengeringhausen-Straße 1
97084 Würzburg

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