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Certified since 20 marca 2023
Strefa klimatyczna Cool, temperate
Surface material Aluminium
Door type Drzwi
Jak otworzyć Na zewnątrz
UW 0,75 W/(m2K)


Aluminium door frame, thermally separated with polyamide (25% glass fiber) and insulated with polyethylene foam (0,038 W/(mK)). The airtightness requirement is deemed to be met due to the gasket configuration and the fact that the door is fully glazed, meaning the potential for deflection due to climate load is reduced, compared to a metal-faced door. Glazing configuration: 54mm (6/18/6/18/6mm); glazing intersection: 17mm. Spacer: Technoform-Spacer SP16 with 6mm butyl secondary seal.

Nazwa Szerokość ramy Współczynnik U Ψ-value Frsi-value
Strona zawiasów drzwi 146 mm 0,97 W/(m²K) 0,029 W/(mK) 0,765
Strona zamka drzwi 146 mm 0,97 W/(m²K) 0,029 W/(mK) 0,765
Góra 146 mm 0,97 W/(m²K) 0,029 W/(mK) 0,765
Próg 120 mm 0,99 W/(m²K) 0,030 W/(mK) 0,762
Nanshan Industry Region
265706 Shandong/Longkou