Certified since | 2015年11月19日 |
气候区 | 冷,温度 |
类型 | Attic staircase |
Sub type | |
能效阶级 | phA+ |
材料 | 木材 |
UW | 0.51 W/(m2K) |
打开种类 |
Attic stairs made of pinewood with thermally seperated metal fittings and 3 sealing-levels (EPDM). Attic stair hatch of Styrofoam (λ = 0.031 W/mK) with a coating of high density fibreboard (HDF). Sorrounding insulation (λ = 0,035 W/mK) to ceiling structure connection.
名称 | 边宽高度 | U-value | Ψ-value | Frsi-value |
下横框 | 40 mm | 0.52 W/(m²K) | 0.000 W/(mK) | |
上横框 | 40 mm | 0.52 W/(m²K) | 0.000 W/(mK) | |
侧面 | 40 mm | 0.52 W/(m²K) | 0.000 W/(mK) |