Feuerschutz-Passivhaus-Bodentreppe mit Anschluss-System
Certified since | 2017年4月12日 |
气候区 | 密码 |
类型 | Attic staircase |
Sub type | |
能效阶级 | phA+ |
材料 | 木材 |
UW | 0.45 W/(m2K) |
打开种类 |
Coated chipboard (λ = 0.136 W/(mK)) with insulation panel (λ = 0.039 W/(mK)) with two EPDM sealings between frame and insulation panel. In order to reduce the thermal bridge of the installation and to enable the fire resistance of the construction, the supplied FS-PH-connection-system comprising sealing, jointplait and insulation filling (λ = 0.033 W/(mK)) is installed at the structural connection.
名称 | 边宽高度 | U-value | Ψ-value | Frsi-value |
下横框 | 38 mm | 0.47 W/(m²K) | 0.000 W/(mK) | |
上横框 | 38 mm | 0.47 W/(m²K) | 0.000 W/(mK) | |
侧面 | 38 mm | 0.47 W/(m²K) | 0.000 W/(mK) |