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Husky Clima 93

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Husky Clima 93

Certified since 2022年10月19日
气候区 冷,温度
Surface material 木材
Door type
如何开启 内部
UW 0.80 W/(m2K)


Timber doorset (oak / hardwood 0,18 W/(mK), 700 kg/m³) insulated with BACHL PIR insulation (0,031 W/(mK)), frame insulated with Compacfoam 100 (0,040 W/(mK)). The required temperature factor at the threshold is met in the door's installed state. Beyond the requirements, airtightness class 4 according to EN 12207 is met. The requirement is greatly exceeded due to the use of the locking mechanism Secury Automatic MR4-65/92/10/20/10 from GU Germany, which engages all locking points automatically on closing.

名称 边宽高度 U-value Ψ-value Frsi-value
门枢纽边 126 mm 1.32 W/(m²K) 0.013 W/(mK) 0.722
门上锁于外边 171 mm 1.40 W/(m²K) 0.015 W/(mK) 0.714
上横框 126 mm 1.34 W/(m²K) 0.013 W/(mK) 0.724
门槛 88 mm 2.01 W/(m²K) 0.017 W/(mK) 0.630

SC Danprod SRL

Galean nr 78
605600 Targu Ocna