Newly certified Fabricantes Certification criteria

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System 17 High Rise

Certified since 12 de febrero de 2021
Climate zone Frío, templado
Tipo Fachada de muro cortina
Sub type
Efficiency class phA+
Material Aluminio
UW 0,80 W/(m2K)
Open type


Aluminium facade with exterior aluminium cladding and pressure plate. Glass carrier and screw-losses determined by simulation (PHI). XPET-foam rebate insulation (0,030 W/(mK)). Glass configuration: 6/17/6/18/8 mm; edge bond: TGI Precision with butyl secondary seal.

Nombre Frame width Valor-U Valor-Ψ Frsi-value
Mullion Fixed 50 mm 0,95 W/(m²K) 0,036 W/(mK) 0,807
Transom fixed 50 mm 0,95 W/(m²K) 0,037 W/(mK) 0,822
Bottom Fixed 50 mm 0,96 W/(m²K) 0,037 W/(mK) 0,821
Top fixed 50 mm 0,96 W/(m²K) 0,037 W/(mK) 0,821
Lateral fixed 50 mm 0,96 W/(m²K) 0,036 W/(mK) 0,801
Metal Technology Ltd.
Steeple Road, BT41 1AB, Antrim, United Kingdom
Fabricante de componentes
Leaflet © OpenStreetMap contributors

Metal Technology Ltd.

Steeple Road
BT41 1AB Antrim
United Kingdom

U-value calculation

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