Newly certified Fabricantes Certification criteria

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11300 Series

Certified since 25 de febrero de 2023
Climate zone Cálido, templado
Tipo Operable
Sub type
Efficiency class phC
Material PVC
UW 1,00 W/(m2K)
Open type


Vinyl window, supported by glassfiber reinforced PU. Maximum tested size: 1219 * 1829 mm corresponding to 2.23 m² Pane thickness: 41,3 mm (3,2/15,9/3,2/15,8/3,2), rebate depth: 15 mm. Spacer: SuperSpacer Premium with butyl as secondary seal.

Nombre Frame width Valor-U Valor-Ψ Frsi-value
Mullion 2 casements 205 mm 1,13 W/(m²K) 0,023 W/(mK) 0,700
Bottom 120 mm 1,02 W/(m²K) 0,023 W/(mK) 0,730
Top 120 mm 1,02 W/(m²K) 0,023 W/(mK) 0,730
Lateral 120 mm 1,02 W/(m²K) 0,023 W/(mK) 0,730
Mikron Industries, Inc. (a Quanex Building Products Company)
1034 Sixth Ave. North, 98032, Kent, WA, United States of America
Fabricante de componentes
Leaflet © OpenStreetMap contributors
1034 Sixth Ave. North
98032 Kent, WA
United States of America

U-value calculation

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