Certified since | 2014年12月30日 |
气候区 | 冷,温度 |
类型 | 窗帘墙系统 |
Sub type | |
能效阶级 | phA |
材料 | 铝 |
UW | 0.80 W/(m2K) |
打开种类 |
Aluminum curtain wall, insulated by PE-foam (0,038 W/(m²K). Reduction of the radiation losses by low emmissivity aluminum tape (e = 5 %). Losses by screws and glass carrier were determined by 3d-thermal flux analysis (PHI). Pane thickness: 50 mm (6/18/4/18/4), rebate depth: 12 mm, spacer: SWISSPACER Ultimate. The glazing was calculated with a 3 mm secondary seal. As it is often the case that this is thicker, today the calculation is carried out with a 6 mm secondary seal. This leads to a higher glazing edge thermal bridge, which can also be estimated by way of the spacer certificates: www.passivhauskomponenten.org / glazing edge bonds. The higher rates of heat loss can be compensated for by using e. g. improved glazing.
名称 | 边宽高度 | U-value | Ψ-value | Frsi-value |
立柱固定 | 35 mm | 0.96 W/(m²K) | 0.032 W/(mK) | 0.820 |
横梁固定 | 35 mm | 0.96 W/(m²K) | 0.034 W/(mK) | 0.820 |
横梁1 | 142 mm | 1.20 W/(m²K) | 0.028 W/(mK) | 0.820 |
下横框固定 | 35 mm | 0.96 W/(m²K) | 0.034 W/(mK) | 0.820 |
上横框固定 | 35 mm | 0.96 W/(m²K) | 0.034 W/(mK) | 0.820 |
侧柱 | 35 mm | 0.96 W/(m²K) | 0.032 W/(mK) | 0.820 |